Posted by TJ in , , , , , , , , ,

3 quick questions:

1. Are you a guy or do you know one close to you over the age of 35?

2. Have you or he looked at your/his bare chest lately?

3. If so... did you see them?...The dreaded....


Obviously if you are female this is not an issue. But for us men, "gynaecomastia", often jokingly referred to as manboobs (we can thank "Seinfeld" for that) is anything but funny.

From this point on, I'll refer to it as "MB" if that's okay by you.

MB is not an age thing. It can occur at almost any time in life. However, for those of us over 35, it is more common.

This is just one of the many symptoms of "andropause", or "male menopause."

When you age your testosterone levels decline...and more than that the testosterone gets "weaker" due to an imbalance between it and estrogen.

When you combine that with our modernized "estrogen-rich" environment that Dr. Holly Lucille frequently lectures on, you have a problem.

A big MB problem.

MB is associated with lack of drive (you know what I'm talking about guys) and excess bellyfat due to the estrogen.

Even more serious: Excess estrogen has been positively linked to prostate cancer.

Yep. MBs are not so funny after all.

Check out Dr. Lucille's NaturaPause Audios. There is an entire audio dedicated to male menopause and natural solutions that really work.

Most do not work worth a darn.

Hers does.

No More ManBoobs

The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle  

Posted by TJ in , , , , , ,

The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle

The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle website is owned and operated by Sean Nalewanyj... the creator of 2 best-selling online muscle building and fat loss programs and a guy who is well known in the industry as a reputable expert when it comes to transforming people's bodies and lives.

He says that when putting together this members-only community, his goal was simple:

To collect the absolute BEST techniques and strategies from the most reputable, credible and sought-after muscle-building and fat loss experts in the world... and package them into one place for a low price that ANYONE interested could afford.

The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle is what I would consider to be the premier fitness membership site on the web today... and it's jam-packed with every single tool you need to build muscle, burn fat, gain strength and get into the best shape of your life.

This isn't a static library of info either... it's regularly updated with a new tip or strategy contributed by his "dream team" of fitness experts, every few days, so your knowledge will continue to grow and expand.

But this website is about far more than just learning new techniques to apply in and out of the gym. It's a full blown support community designed to keep you driven and motivated over the long run.

When you join, you'll immediately be able to chat, interact and make friends with all kinds of guys and gals from around the world who are pursuing a better body just like you are.

You'll get to create your own member profile to fill with your stats, pictures, videos and other info... share your goals and progress... browse other member profiles... add friends... write blogs... send text and audio messages... ask questions and share advice on the private forum... interact in the text and video chat room... use the instant messenger...

The list of features really is incredible.

The most exciting part is that it costs next to nothing to become a member... Sean has really made this a super-affordable site, and you can join in on the action for no more than the price of a couple drop-in sessions at your local gym.

If you're serious about achieving an impressive body quickly, then The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle gets my full recommendation as a resource that you should not go without.

Go ahead and click the following link for more information...

Click Here To Visit The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle For More Information,

How To Gain Muscle And Burn Bodyfat At The Same Time  

Posted by TJ in , , , , ,

I just received this article from Jon Benson and HAD to share it with you.
It really opened my eyes to what is possible.
Let me know what you think, okay?


How To Gain Muscle And Burn
Bodyfat At The Same Time

by Jon Benson

What is your "big dream?"

I have two:

-- To make an impact on the lives of over 10M people before I die;

-- To have a family that's mobile so I can live in many places.

Not bad, right?

Want to know a "third" dream of mine? One that I saw become a reality a few years ago?

To gain muscle AND burn bodyfat all at the same time.

It's like a pipe-dream that somehow worked its way through the pipes and into my gym.

It is not easy, granted, but you can do it.

Almost anyone can do it.

You just have to train and eat in a very specific way.

Listen: You do NOT want to just "burn bodyfat" or god-forbid "lose-weight"... that will not give you the body you want.

You absolutely MUST shape your muscles, tighten and tone, and burn bodyfat.

And you can do it at the same time.

Most pros disagree with me. They think it is metabolically impossible to gain muscle while in a state of low-calorie dieting.

They are wrong.

Here's an article I wrote on this topic. I hope you enjoy it.

To save you time, I put a link to the online complete version of the article below...

- - - - -

I remember a friendly argument with my co-author of Fit Over 40 Tom Venuto. It all started when I told Tom how I was eating and training for my last peak. A peak is where you lower your bodyfat and try to maintain as much muscle mass as possible.

"There's just no way I could ever get in shape eating and training like that," says Tom. "Sure you could man...what are you, a mutant?" Tom fires back, then me, then Tom....and so it goes. (I really didn't call Tom a mutant. That was creative liberty.)

So why are so many fitness pros like Tom freaked out about my training and nutrition plan? Simple: I claim it burns fat while building muscle at the same time. Every time I read an article by some doctor or expert claiming it's "biologically impossible" to gain lean muscle mass on a hypocaloric diet (a diet low in calories) I just laugh.

I do more than make claims--I have proved this to be true many times. I've had my bodyfat hydrostatically measured during several peaks. In all but one I showed an increase of muscle mass and a decrease of bodyfat during a 12-16 week period. The one time I didn't show an increase in muscle mass when was I was training the most in the gym. That may not make sense right now, but it will in a moment.

Article Continued--
How To Gain Muscle And Burn Bodyfat At The Same Time

All Hail the Chief!!!  

Posted by TJ

Well Barack Obama is now known as Mr. President.
I listened to his speech today. Wasn't bad, But like the other 43 ahead of him , is it all hot air or will he do like he said?

I'm not saying the other's were all bad, just saying alot of promises have been left hanging.

What do you think? Will he stride forward and do like he said, or will his agenda take a different path?

Tell Me what you think, I'd like to know.


Strawberry, Banana Smoothie  

Posted by TJ in , , , , , , ,


Just thought I would share 1 of my smoothie recipes with you. This is my favorite.
This is for Diabetics and great after a hard workout.(Well I think it is)


* 3/4 cup Skim milk
* 3/4 cup ice cubes, crushed or about 6 ice cubes
* 1/2 cup reduced-fat strawberry yogurt
* 1/2 cup frozen unsweetened strawberries
* 1 firm banana, chopped and frozen
* Sugar substitute equivalent to 1/4 cup sugar (I use Equal)

In a blender, combine all of the ingredients; cover and blend for about a minute or until smooth. Stir if necessary. Serve immediately. Yield: 3 servings.

Nutrition Facts

* One serving:
* 1 cup

* Calories:
* 110

* Fat:
* 1 g

* Saturated Fat:
* 0 g

* Cholesterol:
* 3 mg

* Sodium:
* 55 mg

* Carbohydrate:
* 23 g

* Fiber:
* 1 g

* Protein:
* 4 g

* Diabetic Exchange:
* 1/2 fruit, 1/2 reduced-fat milk.

Hope you enjoy it. I know I am.


A little bit about me  

Posted by TJ in , , , , ,

It's me again Margret. HEHEHEHE

Sorry, Its just a line from an old Ray Stevens song.
How is everyone out there doing?
Me? I'm doing fine.
Just did an all nighter with my grandson of 1 month and 8 days old. Poor boy has an upset stomach.
Well let me tell you a lil bit about myself.
I'm 46, 5'9", 226lbs, LOOOOOOVE the outdoors, and I'm getting back into fitness.
And this is my story...

Five years ago, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I knew something was wrong because I wasn't looking and feeling like I used to. My weight was getting way up there and I was feeling tired all the time didn't want to work out any more, or do alot of the stuff that I used to do. So finally I went to the doctor and that's when I was dignosed.

Now In case some of you don't know, Type 2 Diabetes is where your body produces to much insulin. Insulin of course is sugar. And when your body gets to much sugar it stores it wherever it can. now your muscles use that sugar for energy but when there's to much of it, it stores it as FAT. Well , anyway that's the short version of it.

And that's what happened to me, I went from a well looking man of 200lbs and shot up there to 270 lbs. 255 when I was diagnosed.

I've been battling it ever since. Trying 1 diet after another and of course going up and down in weight. While I'm taking my medicine for Diabetes. And let me tell you it wasn't easy.

Now I'm not going to tell you I found the miracle diet, because I haven't. But I will tell you that if you are willing you can lose weight no matter what the circumstance.

It took me awhile to figure out what would work for my body, but once I did find it, I kept at it and I'm happy to say that when I started back in July of 2008 at 272lbs, I'm now at 226lbs on my way to the 200lbs I used to be.

The reason I say 200lbs because with my build I was more defined and toned, and I felt 100% more confident about myself.

Now the programs that I'm posting on here are some of the programs that I use, and let me tell you, I've used alot in the last 5 years, but the one's on here are the ones that are working well for me.

These aint programs for people with Diabetes or other ailments, these are programs for everybody, for every walk of life. No matter if you want to build muscle or just want to lose a few pounds, these programs will work for you.

You just have to be willing to put forth the effort.

And if you think you are to old to get back into shape, I'm 46 years old and I'm doing it.

Talk to you later.

Bodybuilding Beginners: Build Your Foundation First!  

Posted by TJ in , , , , ,

By Sean Nalewanyj
Natural Bodybuilding Expert & Best-Selling Fitness Author

Let me ask you…

Have you packed on at least a good 15-25 pounds of clean, muscular body weight since you began your muscle building program?

Are you moving poundages on your squat, deadlift, bench press, row (and every other major compound exercise) that all feel substantially heavy for your body?

Have you added at least a couple of inches or more to all of your major muscle groups?

Are your clothes fitting significantly tighter? Are your friends and family noticing measurable changes in your physique? Are you generally beginning to gain a reputation as a muscular guy that people aspire to look like?

If you didn’t easily answer “yes” to all of the questions I just outlined above, then worrying about the smaller details of your physique is quite simply a waste of time at this point.

As a well known muscle building author, I receive all sorts of emails every single day from aspiring natural bodybuilders around the world. They’ll ask me questions such as…

“What can I do to target my inner chest?”
“Which exercise is best to build up the lower biceps?”
“My rear delts are lagging behind my front delts. What should I do?”

If you’re still in your bodybuilding “youth” and don’t already have a considerable amount of muscle mass to show for your efforts, I would strongly suggest taking these types of questions and eliminating them from your mind until you do.


It’s because diverting your focus onto these small and trivial issues will only serve to distract you from the most important and immediate task at hand.

And what is the most important and immediate task a hand?

It is to pack as much raw muscle size and strength onto your frame as humanly possible!

That’s right; forget about the nitty-gritty details of whether your biceps match your triceps or whether your chest is on par with your back. These are issues that you can worry about later on, but until you’ve thickened up your entire body as a whole to a significant degree, it’s simply not worth worrying about.

If you’re still a beginner and have been training consistently for less than a year, then stop obsessing over the details. Instead, place all of your focus on the most basic and obvious issues at hand…

Get yourself onto a sensible, rational weight training schedule and stick to it religiously.

Write down every single workout that you perform and place every ounce of energy you can muster on adding as much weight to the bar on a consistent basis as you possibly can.

Grind out all of the biggest, most difficult compound exercises and blast through those discomfort zones with passion and intensity.

Get yourself into the kitchen and pack in at least 5 or 6 properly balanced muscle building meals every day of the week, every week of the month and every month of the year.

Drink your water, get your rest and take your supplements whenever necessary.

In other words: PAY YOUR DUES FIRST!

If you’re in this for the long haul (and you should be, as there are no temporary fixes to be had here), then get yourself on to the most efficient path possible. And the most efficient path possible is the one that focuses on the fundamentals first and the details later.

This is the mentality you need to bring to your bodybuilding program. Just as you wouldn’t attempt a complex guitar solo without learning basic chord shapes first, you also should not attempt to fine-tune and balance out your physique until you have a considerable amount of foundational muscle to work with first.

Building muscle is not rocket-science, but it is a task that requires consistent willpower and determination. And until you’ve been “in the trenches” and have earned yourself an impressive and muscular body...

Stop over-analyzing... Stop obsessing... Stop spreading out your focus onto every single minute issue that pops up…

Get into the gym and TRAIN!

If you want to "build your foundation" in the fastest and most efficient manner possible, make sure to visit
You can gain instant access to my renowned "Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System" and get all the tools you need to start building your dream body in record speed.

About The Author

Once an awkward, pencil-necked "social reject", Sean Nalewanyj is now a renowned natural bodybuilding and fat loss expert, best-selling fitness author, and operator of the web's premier muscle building and fitness membership community, "The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle". Learn how to build muscle and burn fat quickly, safely and naturally with insider tips and tricks from the world's top trainers by visiting:

Note to the reader: You are free to reprint and redistribute this article as long as the content is not altered in any way, the links remain live and the author resource box (including this message) is left intact.

The Fitness Inner Circle  

Posted by TJ in , , , , ,

The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle Community,is a members only, online community of people who want to build muscle, burn fat, and stay healthy.

At the M.F.I.C. you will meet not only like minded people, but you can get tips and training from some of the top trainers out there.

Like, Craig Ballantyne,Vince Delmonte,Jason Ferruggia, and Sean Nalewanyj, the Dean of M.F.I.C.

Plus many others...

They are called "The Professors" because they will give you a strategy to get you fit and then they will help you to get where you want to be.
You can just try one strategy or try them all till you find the one that works well for you.

They show you everything in the M.F.I.C. from how to work specific muscles, nutrition, media library, and even a rest area called "The Interactive Zone" where you can chat with your friends, post pictures and just talk about your development. You can also check to see how other members are doing.

Whether your wanting to build up lean muscle, or burn fat and lose weight, or just stay healthy and fit, or need the motivation, then check out The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle.

The Fitness Inner Circle