New Research: Fat Is Contagious?  

Posted by TJ in , , , , , , , , , ,

[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]

It's like a dream come true.

"Gaining bodyfat is the result of a virus."

Wouldn't that be great news?


Let me tell you about the AD-36 adenovirus. Adenoviruses are the same nasty bugs that cause the common cold. We all have these viruses in various forms in our body all the time.

That last bit is a critical distinction.

Remember that.

The Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana has been doing some really ground-breaking research on AD-36. AD-36 affects stem cells... more specifically fat cells, both pre-formed and post-formed.

This means AD-36 can make MORE fat cells if contracted as an infant and make your fat cells larger if contracted as an adult.

Or so the theory goes.

To quote the study:

"Earlier researchers have concluded that Ad-36 may be contributors to obesity by super-charging fat cells to grow and store more fat. Until now, though, those researchers thought the viruses targeted pre-fat cells (called pre-adipocytes), causing them to convert in higher numbers to fat cells and causing those fat cells to be larger. Those studies were in mice. Pasaricas work determines the virus targets stem cells in humans."

The result?

"In one test, a third of obese people had the rare and highly contagious virus compared to just 11 percent of thinner people. Weight gain can last three months until the body has built up resistance to the bug."

Wow. Sounds like we have a winner here. A virus that you can catch that literally makes you gain bodyfat! All we need is...

a vaccine!



First of all, notice that 11% of LEAN people have AD-36. And at any given time, just like a cold or a flu virus, you could contract AD-36. If your body has 'never' been exposed to it, you may require about 3 months to build up antibodies to ward it off.

Now, you can gain a lot of weight in 3 months... but come on. You cannot become obese in three months unless you are really, REALLY working at it.

Plus, like most viruses, you build up immunity to AD-36. Researchers do not know how long the immunity lasts, but some theorize it could last years... some even decades.

And let's not forget those 11% who are lean and have the virus.

Why did they not all of a sudden get "sick" with bodyfat?

Because they are not EATING or LIVING in a way that allows them to gain bodyfat no matter what nasty freakin' viruses may be floating about, that's why.

That's right folks: It is always going to come down to the food we put in our body and the way we move. Here's another hypothesis presented by Sherry Strong, food philosopher and nutritionist: "This could very well be the result of nature creating a mutation to encourage us to eat more due to the fact our consumption of natural, whole and organic foods is so low."

Brilliant observation... and one tha makes complete sense.

Even if a "virus" is responsible for 20% of our weightgain, what about the other 80%?

We do not need a vaccine other than good food and a common sense workout plan.

Here's the best --

The "Vaccine" For Bodyfat

Here's why I love this workout:

1. It's fast. 7-14 minutes 3-5 days per week. Anyone on earth can do this.

2. The Basic Upgrade (you will see it) still comes with a copy of my book "The Every Other Day Diet." Put the two together and you have an absolute winner of a plan that's practical and enjoyable.

3. Plus, anyone who owns "Every Other Day Diet" gets my upcoming "Radical Fatloss Blueprint" book free. It comes out March 1st.

That's 3 good reasons to go here and check out 7 Minute Muscle...

The "Vaccine" For Bodyfat

Here's one more:

You know better.

You know that there's never going to be a magic pill for health, vitality, energy and looking your best.

We can keep hoping... or you can take action and get what you want now.

To me, that makes more sense than AD-36 "Super-Retro Fat-burning Vaccine" to hit the marketplace in 2021.

Burn More Bodyfat With Spices  

Posted by TJ in , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]

It's the spice of life.

Food that is. Or opinions. I guess there is a lot of things that are officially "the spice of life."

I think spices are the spice of life.

I have a new-found love of spices since hanging around a killer healthy-food chef for the past week.

Wow oh wow... I had no idea.

And hey -- I'm helping her put her recipes into to a book that will be out soon.

I'll send you all a video of this woman doing her thing too in a week or so... prepare to be blown away.

Back to spices:

Not only can spices save an otherwise boring healthy meal.... turns to find out spices can help you burn more bodyfat.

The January 2006 issue of The Journal of Physiology and Behavior cited numerous studies on several spices that increased thermogenesis in the body.

Thermogenesis is simply heat -- and since a calorie is a unit of heat, guess what?

More thermogenesis = more calories burned = Less bodyfat.

Pretty cool stuff this thermogenesis.

In fact thermogenesis is the foundation of my upcoming handbook "The Radical Fatloss Blueprint." Out in late February.

I'm giving this book away for free for 21 days to anyone who owns a copy of "The Every Other Day Diet."

The book comes out in late February... and it is... well, radical.

Up to 21 pounds in 21 days.

But you can only do it for 21 days. Fair deal, right?

If you want the book for freee, make sure you have "Every Other Day Diet" so I can send it to you the last week of February.

Get Every Other Day Diet here

For now, here's the spices that work the best to help you burn bodyfat:

1. Capsaicin, the compound gives red chili pepper its heat, increased energy via heat expenditure by up to 23% after ingesting it at breakfast.

2. Black Pepper increases body heat (thermogenesis) by bonding to TRPV1 receptors in the brain.

3. Turmeric has both anti-cancer and pro-thermogenic support. Best of two worlds if you ask me.

Combine these three spices: Red chili pepper, black pepper and turmeric, and use them liberally (as you can handle them) on your lunch and dinner meals.

Just be careful not to overdo the spices, otherwise you'll end up with more heartburn than fatburn.

I'll be including FAR more powerful ways to burn bodyfat radically in "The Radical Fatloss Blueprint" -- and you can get your copy free the last week of February if you own Every Other Day Diet.

Get Every Other Day Diet here

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Safe? Let's Think It Through!  

Posted by TJ in , , , , , , , , , ,

Here is an article from Dr. Holly Lucille about Hormone Replacement Therapy.(HRT)
I believe it to be very informative.
Please read on...

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Safe?
Let's Think It Through!

By Dr. Holly Lucille

As a Naturopathic Doctor I have been taught to think about health and healing in a very comprehensive, holistic manner. In fact, the science that drives my thought process is that of Vitalism.

Vitalism states that our bodies have an inherent self healing mechanism and are brilliant and built to stay in balance through the harmonious efforts of many interrelated systems and are constantly working on our behalf to take care of us.

As a practitioner of this style of medicine, I am challenged to listen and ask deeper questions when I am involved with a patient who has become entirely out of balance and therefore symptomatic. Symptoms are the body’s way of telling us that something needs attention. I have to understand where there might be “obstacles to cure”, where there might be some excess, some deficiencies and then work with the body in order to achieve a state of health.

This brings me to the issue at hand, hormones... and of course hormone replacement therapy, or "HRT". The topic has almost reached celebrity status with genuine confusion and concern regarding what is being talked about! I have been extremely perplexed at the whole notion of replacing hormones. I ask…where did they go? Which hole did they fall out of? Did a woman leave them at a party one night and wake up the asking “oh my..has anyone seen my hormones?” Our bodies have exactly what they need to make all the hormones we need at any particular stage in a women’s life. When there is trouble hormonally, it is more about restoring function rather than replacing it!

As my private naturopathic practice evolved, I was in awe at the number of women I experienced having trouble during normal hormonal transitions. I saw women having difficulty transitioning into menopause, a very natural, once celebrated once honored stage, and I also saw an extraordinary number of younger women experiencing weight gain, irritability, insomnia, decreased libido, and hot flashes.

There were also women with sexual and reproductive problems—infertility, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS)—as well as breast and uterine cancer. Most of these women came in with a recommendation from their physician that they begin taking synthetic hormones. For women entering menopause it was HRT, and for the younger women it was the birth control pill. These artificial hormones suppress the body’s natural cycles; they do nothing to address why the symptoms are occurring.

Read the entire article here on Hormone Replacement Therapy

Creating and Maintaining Balance  

Posted by TJ in , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Life is all about balance.

At least I think so.

So does hormone expert Dr. Holly Lucille.

Holly's idea of balance goes beyond day-planners and schedules. She talks about "internal" balance: Balance between your natural hormones to help create energy, lower bodyfat, and jacking up your sex drive.

Good stuff.

I wanted to give you this today. It's an excerpt from Dr. Lucille's fantastic book, "Creating and Maintaining Balance."

Pick it up here free: maintaining

26 pages of Holly's book


Practical Life Extension  

Posted by TJ in , , , , , , ,

What Modern Science Says About Reversing The Aging Process

There's an old proverb that rings with wit and reason: "Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die." So why do we want to live forever? According to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, author of "Chasing Life" and CNN's Senior Medical Corespondent, we do not.

The real quest isn't eternal life on earth according to Gupta, but rather an exceptional life.

While interviewing the foremost authorities on anti-aging and life extension, Dr. Gupta discovered three "universals" -- three principles that each researcher deemed critical to extending our lives naturally and empowering us to live exceptionally. They are:

1. Weight training

2. Good nutrition

3. Positive thinking and having purpose

Jon Benson, author of "Fit Over 40", explores each of these in great detail, as well as asking 52 men and women how they have managed to slow the hands of time down to a crawl. Benson does not waste time with hype and hypothesis. He focuses on real-world examples and applications we can all use to slow down the aging process and help prevent and reverse the conditions that can lead to disease.

Discover more today at Fit Over 40

You too can live a longer, more exceptional life by simply adopting a smart, realistic and enjoyable lifestyle fitness plan. And if science just happens to catch up with Father Time, you'll be many steps ahead of the curve.

Jeff Birdsong